updated @ : 17:00 17/02/2025
time | Status | temperature | Humidity | chance of rain | Wind speed | Wind direction |
18:00 | Partially cloudy | 18 °C | 78.48% | 0 % | 24 kph |
19:00 | Partially cloudy | 18 °C | 79.96% | 0 % | 22 kph |
20:00 | Overcast | 18 °C | 79.43% | 0 % | 23 kph |
21:00 | Overcast | 17 °C | 80.41% | 0 % | 22 kph |
22:00 | Overcast | 17 °C | 78.82% | 0 % | 20 kph |
23:00 | Overcast | 17 °C | 76.72% | 0 % | 19 kph |
Partly cloudy throughout the day with rain clearing later. | |
Min: 16 °C | Max: 21 °C | |
Humidity: 89.8% | |
Precip: 1.3 ٪ | Precip Probability: 100 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 24 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:15 | Sunset: 17:34 |
Clearing in the afternoon. | |
Min: 15 °C | Max: 22 °C | |
Humidity: 52.8% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 28 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:14 | Sunset: 17:35 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 14 °C | Max: 23 °C | |
Humidity: 43.1% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 22 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:13 | Sunset: 17:36 |
Becoming cloudy in the afternoon. | |
Min: 16 °C | Max: 24 °C | |
Humidity: 39.4% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 24 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:12 | Sunset: 17:36 |
Clear conditions throughout the day. | |
Min: 17 °C | Max: 27 °C | |
Humidity: 33.6% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 20 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:11 | Sunset: 17:37 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 18 °C | Max: 28 °C | |
Humidity: 34.7% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 19 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:10 | Sunset: 17:38 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 17 °C | Max: 25 °C | |
Humidity: 51.7% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 23 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:10 | Sunset: 17:38 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 13 °C | Max: 19 °C | |
Humidity: 32.7% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 41 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:09 | Sunset: 17:39 |
Clear conditions throughout the day. | |
Min: 9 °C | Max: 15 °C | |
Humidity: 26.1% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 35 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:08 | Sunset: 17:39 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 9 °C | Max: 17 °C | |
Humidity: 29.7% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 0 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 26 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:07 | Sunset: 17:40 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 12 °C | Max: 18 °C | |
Humidity: 33.2% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 3.2 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 35 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:06 | Sunset: 17:41 |
Partly cloudy throughout the day. | |
Min: 10 °C | Max: 18 °C | |
Humidity: 28.2% | |
Precip: 0 ٪ | Precip Probability: 3.2 ٪ | |
Wind speed: 31 kph | |
Wind dir : | |
Sunrise: 06:05 | Sunset: 17:41 |